News & Events

Place: Westelikes Sports Grounds, C/O Trans Oranje Drive And Church Str, Pretoria
Date: Saturday, 2 November 2013
Time: from 08:00 till late

PRO-KIDS Database

We are in the process of redeveloping the PRO-KIDS database.

In the meantime, click here to register your kid on the PRO-KIDS database.

PRO-KIDS Database
A comprehensive and secure database that stores photos and information of children pro-actively will most definitely assist in the recovery of missing children. With the press of a button this information can be made available to the media, Police and other relevant parties. We then immediately have more than a million pairs of eyes to assist us in the search. This database safeguarded and set up by SACMEC will be operated at no cost to parents.


If you have any questions or comments or need assistance please send an e-mail to

Welcome to SACMEC

We at SACMEC dedicate our efforts towards  making South Africa a safer place for our children. We believe in "UBUNTU" and support the view of "Every child is my CHILD". Therefore we constantly search for ways and means to achieve this. One of these projects is the establishment of the PRO-KIDS DATABASE!!!!

SACMEC is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation registered as a Section 21 company in terms of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 of South Africa. SACMEC will operate in association with the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) based in Virginia, USA.It will also form partnerships with NGO's and Government Departments that have the same goals concerning the children of South Africa, and on the continent of Africa

SACMEC shall be a strong, loud voice in the field of children's rights, both in terms of interventions aimed at alleviating the exploitation of children and in the tracing and recovery of missing children.  Key objectives of SACMEC are:

  • To serve as an agency of excellence in the tracing and recovery of missing children. A recovery rate of 95% is aimed for and anticipated.
  • To play a meaningful advocacy role in the protection of children's rights on the continent.
  • To assist other relevant agencies and organisations to improve capacity and service delivery in the protection of children.abs
  • To significantly improve children's awareness of safety issues, including knowledge and understanding of their rights and the procedures to follow when such rights are infringed.
  • To raise public awareness of issues pertaining to missing and exploited children.
  • To make a quality contribution to an international network of organisations dedicated to the protection of children.